Nine Days of Newfoundland – Day 8

Posted: July 9, 2013 in Newfoundland, RV, Tourism, Travel
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The eighth day of our adventure was another travel day.  We were headed for Point F on our lovely map.


See where it says “Clarenville” on there?  Well…that’s where this happened:


As you might imagine, poor Bob was despondent. He didn’t sob openly or anything but, as you can see by the look on him, it was a near thing. His baby was broken and so was his heart.


The guy driving the black pickup ran the red light and bonked into us.  The damage doesn’t look that bad and it’s not, really, but that rumply bit of aluminum runs the entire length of the trailer…and the door is behaving a bit strangely now.  Poor Bob…

We were back on the road again after about an hour of filling out forms and swearing oaths and whatnot at the RCMP office.

Christmas lights?  In June?!

Christmas lights? In June?!

The driver of the pickup was charged with one count of Bonking into Bob’s Baby, and Bob, who was physically restrained at all times by two sturdy women, was thankfully not charged with assault.

Happy ending!




  1. Kate Sparkes says:

    Yikes. Sorry that happened. Too bad you weren’t in my town, you cold have complained to my husband. And come to my house. And I would have made tea.

  2. Commiserations! Poor Bob. And his minders, of course. If that had happened to us, himself would have been apoplectic. Hope you are all ok.

    • nomaddness says:

      We’re as fine as fine can be. Well, that’s not entirely true. Bob is still a little out of sorts. (Wow…I think I just made the understatement of the century!) 🙂

  3. rlogan1155 says:

    Too bad about your poor trailer. We’ve had our rig through some pretty tough situations and survived unscathed until early one morning, while camped in our summer campground, there comes a loud knock at the door. Our neighbor has come to tell us he’s run into the side of the truck with his motorcycle. Scraped the whole side. Will be getting it fixed after much negotiation with the insurance company. I know how you feel, every time I see our poor injured baby it makes me sad.
    Ruth from At Home on the Road

    • nomaddness says:

      Oh wow, I feel for ya, Ruth. I’m always of the mind that it’s not necessarily a bad thing to get that first scratch out of the way so you can relax a bit. Bob would disagree. Sigh…

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