Nine Days of Newfoundland – Day 1

Posted: June 24, 2013 in Newfoundland, Photography, RV, Tourism, Travel
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I figured it was time to stop bubbling away about how cool Newfoundland is and get down to the business of chronicling our adventure. So here goes:


Nine Days of Newfoundland – Day 1

Newfoundland is the island bit of the easternmost province of Canada. It is a world apart, not only geographically, but in every other way I can think of.

Getting there requires taking a six-hour ferry ride. And it ain’t cheap! If you’re travelling with an RV, they measure you from nose to stern, car and trailer, then they ding you $12.00 for every foot of space you take up on their boat! And that’s not counting the people charges of forty-odd dollars each. It’s a painful experience, but it’s the only way you’ll get your RV to The Rock.



All goods and etceteras are transported on the ferry too. If you think this sounds as though it just might jack the grocery prices up a tad, you’d be thinkin’ right, amigo!


The ferry pulled into port at point A on that really awesome (right?) map up there that I slaved over for days (I’m soooo not a map person), a place called Port aux Basques, or sometimes Channel-Port aux Basques (or Port O’Bask if you’re Irish), Newfoundland.




Geography: Rock and water

Vegetation: Not so much

Architecture: Clinging for dear life to the rock

We lumbered up the road a ways and made camp for the first night at a lovely spot called, um…the Grand Codroy RV Park (Whew! Β Good thing I had that written down, eh?)(Point B on our lovely map up there…), which offered warm Newfie hospitality among its other amenities (free firewood!). It was just a stopover for the night on our way up the coast, but we felt at home there.

Bob’s other wife, Shari, has a thing for signs, so you may see a few salted in here and there.


  1. rlogan1155 says:

    Is that price both ways on the ferry? I think I’ll fly and stay in a hotel. It wouldn’t be much more.
    Ruth from At Home on the Road

  2. Wonderful pics and commentary. Sure glad I live in Florida…..; }

  3. I just love your humor. Pretty amazing for a Canadian, eh?


  4. tkmorin says:

    Okay, you’re going tired of me repeating myself, but here goes: Very funny. Fantastic post! Thank you for the smiles! πŸ™‚

  5. DouglasMB says:

    I love the pictures and the way you tell the story of your travels… I think if I ever win the lotto I am going to force you to travel with me when I visit other countries just so you can tell the story of our trip lol

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